32 ports OLT
Part number:DW-E32T Views:241
Supports 10 service cards,5U chassis
Chassis with Power supply
1 main control card
1 PON card=4 PON ports
1 uplink card=4 Ge-SFP slots
8 Ports EPON OLT
Part number:DW-E08T Views:136
GEPON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) is consist of OLT(Optical Line Terminal), ONU (Optical Network Unit) and the optical splitter. OLT provides the uplink Ethernet port which is connected to IP core network, and meanwhile offers the downlink PON ports. Every PON port is connected to the optical splitter by the single optical fiber, and then conn
4 Ports OLT
Part number:DW-E04T Views:157
EPON product adopts a Point-to-Multipoint network structure, and the passive optical fiber transmission. It can provide the multiple integrated services based on fast Ethernet platform TDM MAC, realize the two-way transmission of voice, data and image via the single optical fiber, and use the passive optical splitter so as to reduce the usage and maintenance