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Требования Государственного совета должны быть открыты до конца объектах пенсионного обслуживания Городская община
автор:admin   источник:NetEase news   дата:8/20/2013   Просмотров:

      the State Council recently issued "on accelerating the development of pension service industry a number of opinions", but also with an unpublished task decomposition responsibility and schedule.

      the day before yesterday afternoon, the above timetable was announced at the forum of the ninth session of the national home for the elderly. Among them, two, is the Ministry of housing and urban rural construction, Ministry of land and resources, the Ministry of civil affairs, the National Committee on aging, and the provincial people's Government of the State Council, before the end of this year, the implementation of community care with the problem.

      the State Council has instructed the Department, in the old city and has built residential, in accordance with the (community) per capita is not less than 0.1 square metres of construction index, the deadline by purchase, replacement, leasing and other ways to open up the pension service facilities, shall not be used for other purposes. Start the implementation of time specified for the fourth quarter of the year.

      for the new urban construction, the requirements of the State Council, local governments in the formulation of the overall planning of the city, the controlled detailed planning, in accordance with the per capita land not less than 0.1 square meters of standard, endowment facilities zoning classification; where new residential area according to the standard requirements, supporting the construction of endowment service facilities, and residential synchronized planning, simultaneous acceptance, synchronous delivery.

      the goal of how to implement the everywhere? The requirements of the State Council, Ministry of construction, Ministry of land and resources, the Ministry of civil affairs and the provincial government, to introduce specific measures before the end of this year.